This theatrical dream factory has been playing to its audiences since 2006. In 2011 they established themselves in ŽDJC and since then they have produced more than a dozen new productions.
AQUALUNG is a theatre full of paradoxes, twists and surprises. It is a theatre both playful and dramatic, with titles that are fully non-committal but also thought-provoking.
If you have a free spirit, an imagination, and love the steampunk aesthetic, you’re in the right place to see this company perform in our theatre.
AQUALUNG’s performances are accompanied by live music by the court band AQUAJAZZ, and after some performances you can listen to this band or dance in the foyer of the theatre.
Markéta Mandová (production)
+420 777246724
[email protected]
Lubor Šplíchal (principal)
[email protected]